Tuesday 31 May 2011

First Blog

I feel that since this is my first blog I should formally introduce myself...which I don't want to bother with quite yet....and I should probably address what I hope to accomplish by posting these blogs...to be honest I have a few ideas as to what I want to do...I just don't have a clear theme that I am going to be following. So hopefully, I'll be blogging a few of the following:
-advice columns
-movie/book/tv show reviews

As you can tell...I am a big fan of ellipses...
Ok...I'll stop...I lied... ;)

Anyways, the other thing I wanted to address was why I am blogging...simply because school is out and I am bored...and I have a lot to say and not enough friends to say it to (I'm not a loner!...I think....).

Yeah...I think this is it for my first blog...
